Author: SNGP Author

Local Health Governance: Situational and Political Economy Analysis Report

Local Health Governance: Situational and Political Economy Analysis Report

Nepal formally adopted federalism with the promulgation of a new Constitution in 2015, subsequently restructuring the state into a federal government, seven provincial governments and 753 local governments comprising 293 urban municipalities and 460 rural municipalities. The Constitution has established health as a fundamental right and stipulated public health as a concurrent function amongst all three levels of…

Assignment of Functions Across Levels of Government in Nepal

Assignment of Functions Across Levels of Government in Nepal

The Constitution of Nepal (2015) has provisioned distribution of power and responsibilities between and among the federal, provincial, and local governments through the provision of exclusive and concurrent powers. Since the promulgation of the Constitution, the country has made significant progress towards managing the transition from a centralized/unitary structure to a federal setup. However, among others, overlap and…

Can a Sweeping New Law Counter Nepal’s Federal Overreach?

Can a Sweeping New Law Counter Nepal’s Federal Overreach?

By Bishnu Adhikari and Parshuram Upadhyaya In July, at the height of the Covid-19 pandemic, Nepal’s national parliament passed the landmark Intergovernmental Relations and Coordination Act. The IGR Act may be the most important legislation in Nepal’s federal governance structure. Its adoption will be noted in Nepal’s history books. Yet, no one seems to be paying attention, and it has…

नेपालको संविधान र संघीयता

नेपालको संविधान र संघीयता

यस पुस्तिकाले चार वर्ष अघि जारी गरिएको नेपालको संविधान २०७२ को कार्यान्वयनका क्रममा देखिएका मूख्य चुनौतीहरूको पहिचान र छलफल गर्ने प्रयास गर्दछ । यसभित्र चार जना संविधान सभाका सदस्यहरू र एकजना पूर्व प्रशासकले संविधान निर्माण र कार्यान्वयनका क्रममा गरेका अनुभव र आगामी दिनका लागि देखेका चुनौतीहरूको वारेमा छलफल गरेका छन् । पुस्तिकाको पहिलो लेखमा संविधानसभाको अध्यक्षता गरेका मा।…

The Assignment of Functions Across Levels of Government in Nepal

The Assignment of Functions Across Levels of Government in Nepal

The Constitution of Nepal 2015 has distributed power and responsibilities between and among the federal, provincial, and local governments through the provision of exclusive and concurrent powers. Significant progress has been made towards managing the country’s transition from a centralized/unitary structure to a federal setup. However, among others, overlap and contradictions on the assignment of functions across levels…

Multi-Media resources for the use of local governments to promote good governance

Multi-Media resources for the use of local governments to promote good governance

Countries across the world are giving their best efforts to fight against the spread of coronavirus, which has emerged as a pandemic. To minimize the destructive impact of the virus in their regions, the local governments in Nepal have also shown commendable approaches. Among them, the efforts taken by Damak Municipality has been exemplary. In this video, Deputy Mayor of Damak Municipality- Ms. Geeta Adhikari talks about steps taken by the…

Multi-Media resources for the use of local governments to promote good governance

Multi-Media resources for the use of local governments to promote good governance

Countries across the world are giving their best efforts to fight against the spread of coronavirus, which has emerged as a pandemic. To minimize the destructive impact of the virus in their regions, the local governments in Nepal have also shown commendable approaches. Among them, the efforts taken by Damak Municipality has been exemplary. In this video, Deputy Mayor of Damak Municipality- Ms. Geeta Adhikari talks about steps taken by the…

Dialogue Process

Dialogue Process

Dialogue is a preemptive and preventive tool for strategic peacebuilding. It is a process to craft informal, safe, and confidential space to engage stakeholders in a genuine interaction to strengthen their trust and understanding for improved relationship. Trust building is a crucial component aimed at strengthening relationships, creating mutual understanding, and identifying possible avenues for cooperation across divides. It involves a process of interaction though which stakeholders listen to each other deeply enough to bring shift in their…

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