Birendranagar Municipality

Birendranagar Municipality is in the Surkhet District of Karnali province. It was named in honor of the late King Birendra who had established the municipality in 1976 AD. Historically, Birendranagar and the surrounding area of Surkhet used to be the land of Tharu, Magar, and Local Rajhi. However, the region has seen increased migration from the surrounding mountain regions as well as other parts of the country.








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SNGP Partnership Areas

  • Municipal Profiling
  • Health Governance Support
  • Revenue Improvement Action Plan
  • Sub-National Infrastructure Financing

Acts, Guidelines, Model Law, SOPs developed under the Partnership

  • Market management, Monitoring, and consumer awareness Act
  • Local Market Management and Monitoring Rules 2077
  • Local industry registration, operation, management, and regulation Bill, 2077
  • Health act 2075
  • Municipal Hospital Operation and Management Procedure, 2077
  • Municipal Revenue Improvement Action plan 2075 and 2077
  • Municipal Profile 2075
  • Public-Private Partnership Act 2075
  • Toll Development Association Operation Procedure 2077
Municipal Profiling
Health Governance Support
Revenue Improvement Action Plan
Sub-National Infrastructure Financing