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Health Sector Learning Sharing Event

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Subnational Governance Program (SNGP) in collaboration with Bhimeshwar Municipality organized Health Sector Learning-Sharing event among SNGP partner municipalities’ health sector stakeholders on October 9-10, 2023. Coordinator from the Social Development Committee, Section Chief of Health, and Community Health Worker from seven partner municipalities attended and fully utilized the inter-municipality…

Nepal’s New Federal Civil Service Bill

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Bishnu Adhikari and Parshuram Upadhyay Since the adoption of Nepal’s landmark federal constitution in 2015, a new federal civil service law has been among the most-anticipated legislative actions. Without it, civil servants across Nepal’s three tiers of government have been in limbo, uncertain of their professional careers, powers, and jurisdictions…

Local Governance Fellowships Empower Change in Nepal

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By Pallavi Payal and Dhrubaraj BK Since the adoption of its post-civil-war constitution in 2015, which mandated government decentralization, Nepal has been engaged in a bold, nationwide experiment in local governance. In villages and municipalities, now called upon to govern themselves for the first time, many of the skills…

Seven Years into Federalism, Is Nepal’s Glass Half Empty or Half Full?

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By Bishnu Adhikari, Srijana Nepal, and Rakshya Bhattachan For the first time since 2017, public optimism about the overall direction of Nepal has turned negative. In results just published in February, the 2022 round of our ongoing public opinion poll, A Survey of the Nepali People (SNP 2022), found that just 41% of…


Strengthened mechanisms and systems for enhancing intergovernmental relations and dispute resolution across all levels of government.
Read More.. Stability
Subnational governments policies, programs, and service delivery are inclusive, equitable, and respond to the needs of women and marginalized constituencies.
Read More.. GEDSI

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