Author: SNGP Author

From Stand-offs to Solutions: When the Stakes are High for Everyone

From Stand-offs to Solutions: When the Stakes are High for Everyone

Sumina Karki Almost 40 years ago, the indigenous population of a rural district in the far-western province of Nepal were displaced from their homes to make way for a national wildlife reserve. Today, they still live in temporary camps, and most of them have not received compensation for their land or homes. In a municipality in an adjoining…

दि नेपाल पिस मनिटर वार्षिक समीक्षा, २०१७

दि नेपाल पिस मनिटर वार्षिक समीक्षा, २०१७

कलेक्टिभ क्याम्पेन फर पिसद्वारा तयार पारिएको प्रतिवेदन दि नेपाल पिस मनिटर, वार्षिक समिक्षा २०१७ ले नेपाल शान्ति अनुगमन परियोजना (The Nepal Peace Monitoring Project) ले सङ्कलन गरेका सूचना तथा तथ्याङ्कहरू प्रस्तुत गरेको छ । यो एउटा विवाद र घटनाहरूको प्रकृति अवलोकन गरी नेपालमा मानव अधिकार र शान्तिको लागि योगदान दिने प्रयत्न थियो । यसले नेपालमा सन् २०१७ मा…

The Nepal Peace Monitor: Annual Review 2017

The Nepal Peace Monitor: Annual Review 2017

The Nepal Peace Monitor: Annual Review 2017 report prepared by the Collective Campaign for Peace, presents data collected by the Nepal Peace Monitoring Project and is an effort to contribute to human rights and peace in Nepal by monitoring conflict and the nature of those occurrences. It provides a comprehensive overview of incidents documented throughout 2017 and analyzes major…

Study on the Election Campaign Finance: Local, Provincial and Federal Elections in Nepal, 2017

Study on the Election Campaign Finance: Local, Provincial and Federal Elections in Nepal, 2017

The Study on the Election Campaign Finance: Local, Provincial, and Federal Elections in Nepal, 2017 aims to measure the extent and magnitude of financial accountability of political parties in Nepal contesting in the local, provincial, and federal elections. This research study was conducted by Election Observation Committee – Nepal. The findings and any views expressed in the report do not…

निर्वाचन अभियान व्यय अध्ययन: नेपालमा स्थानीय, प्रदेश र सङ्घीय निर्वाचन, २०१७

निर्वाचन अभियान व्यय अध्ययन: नेपालमा स्थानीय, प्रदेश र सङ्घीय निर्वाचन, २०१७

यस प्रतिवेदनको मुख्य उद्देश्य नेपालमा स्थानीय, प्रदेश र सङ्घीय निर्वाचनमा सहभागी नेपालका राजनीतिक पार्टीहरूको वित्तीय जवाफदेहिताको सीमा र परिमाण मापन गर्नु हो । यो शोध अध्ययन निर्वाचन पर्यवेक्षण समिति नेपालद्वारा संचालन गरिएको थियो । प्रतिवेदनमा व्यक्त निष्कर्ष र कुनै पनि विचारले अस्ट्रेलिया सरकार वा दि एशिया फाउन्डेशनको विचारको प्रतिनिधित्व गर्दैन ।

Local Levels in Federalism: Constitutional Provisions and the State of Implementation

Local Levels in Federalism: Constitutional Provisions and the State of Implementation

By Balananda Paudel and Krishna Prasad Sapkota, Local Levels in Federalism: Constitutional Provisions, and the State of Implementation provides an overview of how federalism is currently implemented against the Constitutional provisions. The assessment examines nine federal laws adopted after the promulgation of the Constitution. As a way forward, the assessment makes recommendations for improving constitutional literacy among elected officials…

सङ्घीयतामा स्थानीय तहः संवैधानिक प्रावधान र कार्यान्वयनको अवस्था

सङ्घीयतामा स्थानीय तहः संवैधानिक प्रावधान र कार्यान्वयनको अवस्था

By बालानन्द पौडेल र कृष्ण प्रसाद सापकोटा यस प्रतिवेदनले नेपालको संवैधानिक प्रावधान र कार्यान्वयनको अवस्थाको लेखाजोखा गर्दै संवैधानिक प्रावधान विपरित कसरी स्थानीय सरकारका अधिकार साँघुरो भएका छन् भन्ने विवरण प्रदान गर्दछ । यसले संविधान घोषणा गरेपछि जारी भएका नौवटा सङ्घीय कानुनको विस्तृत पुनरावलोकन तथा लेखाजोखा गरेको छ । यस प्रतिवेदनमा सङ्घीय, प्रदेश र स्थानीय सरकारका निर्वाचित पदाधिकारीहरूको संवैधानिक…

Nepal’s Locally Elected Women Representatives: Exploratory Study of Needs and Capacity Assessment

Nepal’s Locally Elected Women Representatives: Exploratory Study of Needs and Capacity Assessment

The successful completion of local, provincial, and federal elections in 2017 was a historic milestone for Nepal, coming after almost two decades. A record number of women representatives were elected to office in these elections, and this has presented both opportunities and challenges. This increased number of women, especially from marginalized communities, coming into power augurs well for…

नेपालका स्थानीय तहमा निर्वाचित महिला प्रतिनिधिहरू: आवश्यकता तथा क्षमता मूल्याङ्कनको प्रारम्भिक अध्ययन

नेपालका स्थानीय तहमा निर्वाचित महिला प्रतिनिधिहरू: आवश्यकता तथा क्षमता मूल्याङ्कनको प्रारम्भिक अध्ययन

लगभग दुई दशक पछि सन् २०१७ मा स्थानीय, प्रदेश र सङ्घीय निर्वाचन सफलतापूर्वक सम्पन्न हुनु नेपालको लागि एक ऐतिहासिक कोसेढुङ्गा थियो । यी निर्वाचनमार्फत उच्चतम संख्यामा महिला प्रतिनिधिहरू नेपालको शासन तहमा छानिएका छन् । यसबाट शासन प्रक्रियामा महिला सहभागिताका लागि विशेष अवसर र चुनौतीहरू दुवै सिर्जना भएका छन् । साथै निर्वाचनमार्फत अभूतपूर्व संख्यामा विशेषगरी सीमान्तकृत समुदायका महिलाहरू समेतको…

Diagnostic Study of Local Governance in Federal Nepal

Diagnostic Study of Local Governance in Federal Nepal

The Diagnostic Study of Local Governance in Federal Nepal assesses the extent to which institutional, legal, political, and fiscal frameworks are in place as well as the critical issues that must be addressed in establishing these frameworks to enable local governments to discharge their constitutional mandates. This study examines key challenges that local governments currently face in this early phase…

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