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परिवर्तनको राजनीति – सन् २०१७ मा नेपाली जनताको सर्वेक्षणको पूरक पुस्तिका

परिवर्तनको राजनीति – सन् २०१७ मा नेपाली जनताको सर्वेक्षणको पूरक पुस्तिका

नेपालमा सङ्घीयतातर्फको परिवर्तनलाई धेरै आशाका साथसाथै बढ्दो अन्यौलको दृष्टिले हेरिँदै छ । विभिन्न तहका सरकारबीचको सम्बन्धबा रे स्पष्टतामा कमि, बारम्बारको शक्ति संघर्ष तथा ठूलो अपेक्षाको वातावरणमाझ देशमा सरकारका सबै ७६१ इकाई संविधानले तोकेका आफ्ना कर्तव्य र कायर्क्रम सम्पादन गर्न लागिपरेका छन् । सङ्घीयता कार्यान्वयनको प्रारम्भिक चरणमा यस्तो अन्यौलको वतावरण देखिनु स्वाभाविक नै भए पनि अहिले भएभन्दा सुधारिएको सहकार्य…

Nepal Survey: Does a Seat at the Table Guarantee Gender Equality?

Nepal Survey: Does a Seat at the Table Guarantee Gender Equality?

Srijana Nepal Nepal’s constitution mandates that women hold at least 33% of seats in the national parliament and provincial assemblies and at least 40% in local governments. These provisions, enshrined in 2015, have given a record number of women a place at the table in Nepal’s political sphere. In spite of this, meaningful, widespread participation in major decision-making…

A Survey of the Nepali People 2018

A Survey of the Nepali People 2018

Starting from 1990 when the first major political movement restored multiparty democratic system in the country, to 2017 when the elections at all three levels of a new republic and a federally structured country took place, Nepal has gone through unprecedented socio-political changes. When so many path-changing and historical events take place in such a short duration and…

The Politics of Change – Companion Volume to A Survey of the Nepali People 2017

The Politics of Change – Companion Volume to A Survey of the Nepali People 2017

Edited by Deepak Thapa, In Nepal, the transition to federalism has been met with great optimism alongside increasing ambiguity. All 761 government units work to dispense constitutionally-mandated duties and functions amid high expectations and a still-limited clarity on inter-governmental relationships, amid frequent power struggles. While this is understandable in the initial stages of the implementation of federalism, better…

Public-Private Partnerships and Emerging Lessons with Municipal Governments

Public-Private Partnerships and Emerging Lessons with Municipal Governments

A Policy Dialogue on the ‘Public Private Partnerships and Emerging Lessons with Municipal Governments’ was held on April 26, 2019 at Nepali Chulo’s conference center. The dialogue was co-hosted by VRock & Company and The Asia Foundation and was attended by the Federalism Working Group’s various donor members, organizations and relevant stakeholders. This discussion builds on the Asia…

Political Economy Analysis of Post-Earthquake Reconstruction in Nepal

Political Economy Analysis of Post-Earthquake Reconstruction in Nepal

This report is an assessment of the emerging role of the newly formed local governments in post-earthquake reconstruction. Post-earthquake reconstruction has remained in peril for a considerable period with three major bottlenecks. First, the government not only was completely unprepared to handle the massive disaster but also was unable to demonstrate leadership in problem-solving. Political maneuvering was apparent…

नेपालमा भूकम्प पश्चातको पुनर्निर्माणको अर्थराजनीति विश्लेषण

नेपालमा भूकम्प पश्चातको पुनर्निर्माणको अर्थराजनीति विश्लेषण

यो प्रतिवेदन भूकम्प पश्चातको पुनर्निर्माणमा नवगठित स्थानीय सरकारको उदियमान भूमिकाको मूल्याङ्कनमा केन्द्रित रहेको छ । प्रतिवेदनले पुनर्निमाणमा भएका सकारात्मक पहलका साथै स्थानीय सरकारको भूमिकाको उल्लेख गरेको छ । यसका साथै प्रतिवेदनले दुई मुख्य अवरोधका कारण भूकम्प पश्चातको पुनर्निर्माण जोखिममा रहेको विश्लेषण समेत गरेकोे छ । पहिलो, नेपाल सरकार ठूला विपत्तिलाई सम्हाल्न पूर्ण रूपमा तयार नभएको मात्र हैन, समस्या…

Community Mediation in Nepal: “A Hospital That Stitches Broken Hearts”

Community Mediation in Nepal: “A Hospital That Stitches Broken Hearts”

Preeti Thapa and Namit Wagley Much of Nepal is mountainous and remote, connected by unimproved roads and paths and far from the services and amenities of the city. Among those services is the formal justice system, a central function of the state that has long been out of reach for poor and rural Nepalis. It takes considerable time…

Policy Dialogue on the Role of Local Government in Reconstruction

Policy Dialogue on the Role of Local Government in Reconstruction

A Policy Dialogue on the Role of Local Government in Reconstruction was held on 1 February 2019 at Hotel Shangri-La, Kathmandu. The dialogue was attended by experts on local governance, the National Reconstruction Authority officials, constitutional and legal experts, donor representatives, civil society members, and stakeholders in subnational governance. The objective of the policy dialogue was to analyze…

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