Author: SNGP Author

Subnational Governance in Nepal Quarterly Newsletter – Issue 2

Subnational Governance in Nepal Quarterly Newsletter – Issue 2

The Subnational Governance Program in Nepal (SNGP) (स्थानीय सरकार सबलीकरण काययक्रम) is implemented through a strategic partnership between the Australian Government’s Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade and The Asia Foundation, in coordination with the Ministry of Federal Affairs and General Administration. SNGP aims to generate evidence and data and improve service delivery to promote inclusive governance at…

Political Transition and Earthquake Recovery in Nepal

Political Transition and Earthquake Recovery in Nepal

A couple of months ago, when a colleague asked a group of disaster-management experts what Nepal’s 2015 earthquake will be remembered for several years from now, one particular answer bubbled to the surface: The 2015 earthquake will be remembered for the lessons it taught us by striking during Nepal’s profound political and social transition. When the earthquake struck, on…

Subnational Governance in Nepal Quarterly Newsletter – July 2019

Subnational Governance in Nepal Quarterly Newsletter – July 2019

The Subnational Governance Program in Nepal (SNGP) (स्थानीय सरकार सबलीकरण काययक्रम) is implemented through a strategic partnership between the Australian Government’s Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade and The Asia Foundation, in coordination with the Ministry of Federal Affairs and General Administration. SNGP aims to generate evidence and data and improve service delivery to promote inclusive governance at…

Policy Dialogue on Procurement Reform in the Health Sector

Policy Dialogue on Procurement Reform in the Health Sector

A Policy Dialogue on the ‘Procurement Reform in the Health Sector’ was held on 1st August 2019 at Hotel Shangrila, Kathmandu. The dialogue was co-hosted by Public Policy Pathshala and The Asia Foundation and was attended by health procurement experts, members of parliament, and experts on local governance, donor representatives, civil society members, relevant stakeholders including local government…

Policy Dialogue on the Functional Assignment Across Spheres of Government

Policy Dialogue on the Functional Assignment Across Spheres of Government

A policy dialogue on the ‘Functional Assignment Across Spheres of Government’ was held on 30 July 2019 at Hotel Annapurna, Kathmandu. The objective of the dialogue was to share findings of the study on Functional Assignment Across Spheres of Governments led by Constitutional Assembly member Mr. Krishna Prasad Sapkota along with Mr. Rudra Sapkota and Mr. Nawaraj Koirala….

Political Economy Analysis of Emerging Education Governance at Local Governments in Nepal

Political Economy Analysis of Emerging Education Governance at Local Governments in Nepal

The Nepal Administrative Staff College conducted this study in collaboration with The Asia Foundation, as part of a groundwork to strengthen subnational governance in Nepal. It adopted a political economy approach by identifying actors and institutions and their incentives in facilitating or constraining the transfer of power on education from the central level to the local governments. The…

सन् २०१८ मा नेपाली जनताको सर्वेक्षण

सन् २०१८ मा नेपाली जनताको सर्वेक्षण

सन् १९९० मा पहिलो वृहत् राजनीतिक आन्दोलनले बहुदलीय प्रजातान्त्रिक प्रणाली पुनर्स्थापना गरेदेखि सन् २०१७ मा सङ्घीय संरचनामा प्रवेश गरेको नयाँ गणतन्त्रका तीनै तहकालागि निर्वाचन सम्पन्न हुँदासम्ममा नेपालले अभूतपूर्व सामाजिक तथा राजनीतिक परिवर्तन अनुभव गरेकोछ । यति छोटो समयमै र यस्तो द्रुत गतिमा यति धेरै पथपरिवर्तक तथा ऐतिहासिक घटना हुँदा यसले एकातिर जनताका अपेक्षालाई बढाउनु र अर्कातिर परिवर्तित र…

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