Author: SNGP Author

Local Governance Fellowships Empower Change in Nepal

Local Governance Fellowships Empower Change in Nepal

By Pallavi Payal and Dhrubaraj BK Since the adoption of its post-civil-war constitution in 2015, which mandated government decentralization, Nepal has been engaged in a bold, nationwide experiment in local governance. In villages and municipalities, now called upon to govern themselves for the first time, many of the skills required for effective local government—including legislating, policymaking, and delivering…

Seven Years into Federalism, Is Nepal’s Glass Half Empty or Half Full?

Seven Years into Federalism, Is Nepal’s Glass Half Empty or Half Full?

By Bishnu Adhikari, Srijana Nepal, and Rakshya Bhattachan For the first time since 2017, public optimism about the overall direction of Nepal has turned negative. In results just published in February, the 2022 round of our ongoing public opinion poll, A Survey of the Nepali People (SNP 2022), found that just 41% of Nepalis thought the country was going in the right…

The Latest Roadblock for Federal Nepal: Civil Service Reform

The Latest Roadblock for Federal Nepal: Civil Service Reform

Seven years after Nepal replaced its unitary government with a three-tier federal system, its civil service is stuck in limbo. The fractious national government has been unable to agree on new federal civil service legislation called for in the 2015 constitution, and in this vacuum civil service reform has been stalled by contestation among competing interest groups. If…

Nepal Elections: Why Can’t the Mayor Be a Woman?

Nepal Elections: Why Can’t the Mayor Be a Woman?

May 13 will mark a triumphant milestone in Nepal’s transition to federalism, as the first-time local governments elected in 2017 reach the end of their five-year terms, and the nation goes to the polls to elect their replacements. Among the signal achievements of that first cohort of local office-seekers was the groundbreaking participation of women candidates, who got a…

Nepal’s Federalism Milestone: Five Opportunities and a Second Round of Elections

Nepal’s Federalism Milestone: Five Opportunities and a Second Round of Elections

By Namit Wagley In January, after months of uncertainty, political instability, and back-channel negotiations, Nepal announced that the next round of local elections will take place on May 13. It’s an historic moment for Nepal: having completed their first term, local governments created by the constitutional transition to federalism in 2017 will now be renewed by timely elections….

Women in Leadership: Achieving an Equal Future in a COVID-19 World

Women in Leadership: Achieving an Equal Future in a COVID-19 World

Adhering to the United Nation’s 2021 theme for International Women’s Day (IWD) ‘Women in Leadership: Achieving an Equal Future in a COVID-19 World”, this booklet features the experiences and perspectives of elected women representatives from Nepal (7 Deputy Mayors and 22 Ward Members) including their exemplary leadership responding to COVID-19 crisis management and recovery efforts. It also highlights…

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