Rananitik Yojana (2076-2081)

Stratetic Plan (2076-2081)

Published by Municipal Association of Nepal (MuAN)

‘Strategic Plan’ is the guiding strategy document to embolden the position, structure and function of Municipal Association of Nepal. It will cater to meeting the association’s long-term vision, goals and ambitions within the federated structure of Nepal. This five-year strategic workplan contributes towards protecting and supporting implementation of the rights of local government. It suggests six main areas to strengthen and capacitate municipalities through legal and technical support, better coordination and cooperation mechanisms as ensured by the constitution and capacity enhancement towards the overall vision of sustainable development and good governance. The working areas for implementing this strategic plan are: “i) policy advocacy and lobbying ii) information, networking and partnerships iii) technical advice and support iv) capacity enhancement v) inter-governmental relations and vi) study, research and development”.

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Posted on December 29, 2023